Tiger Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Like many worthwhile endeavors, the idea for the Tiger Hall of Fame seems to have been around forever. However, in August 1992, with then Athletic Director John Perkins as the catalyst, the worthwhile idea became a satisfying reality. In the campaign to establish a permanent recognition for Tiger athletics, Coach Perkins invited a number of college staff, alumni, and community members to an organizational meeting.From this meeting, the Tiger Hall of Fame Committee was organized. After years of discussion,
and more than a year of work by the committee, the dream became a reality.The individuals who are inducted into the Tiger Hall of Fame represent the excellence and
enthusiasm that epitomize Tiger athletics. By establishing the criteria for the award, the Tiger Hall of Fame Committee pays tribute to those individuals who have made outstanding
contributions to Tiger athletics either through athletic ability or through meritorious service to the college’s sports programs. Although these individuals represent different sports and different eras of Tiger athletics,they all speak in one voice of pride and appreciation. All recall with fondness their days at the college and give recognition and thanks to their teammates, coaches, and the tremendous support of the community.
2023 Inductees:
Albert Daniels • Football (2004-2006)
Brooke Nasalroad Green • Softball (2009-2011)
Jack Mulroy • Golf (2010-2011)
Darius Reynolds • Football (2007-2009)
Kristi Woods Bravo • Women’s Basketball (2000-2002)
Ronda Young Jordan • Volleyball (1997-1999)

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